The Role of Genetics in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

If you are one of the many suffering from inflammatory bowel disease, let our team at Suburban Surgical Associates/Suburban Metabolic Institute of La Grange, Elmhurst, and Berwyn, IL, help find the best treatment options for your relief. 

Genetics and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

 Inflammatory bowel disease or IBD isn’t a singular condition. Instead, it is a term that includes two separate conditions: Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. What are these conditions? And what role do genetics play in them? The team at Suburban Surgical Associates/Suburban Metabolic Institute of La Grange, Elmhurst, and Berwyn, IL, answer these questions and more below. 

Understanding IBD 

 Both Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis cause inflammation in the digestive tract. Crohn’s more commonly affects the small intestine, while ulcerative colitis typically affects the colon and rectum. 

Both types of IBD flare up when the immune system overreacts to food or other stimuli, leading to unbearable symptoms such as:

  • Stomach cramps 
  • Pain and swelling in the joints 
  • Fatigue 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Bloody stool 
  • Low blood count 
  • Weight loss 
  • Fever 
  • Constipation and more 

While neither type has proven to limit life expectancy, both conditions can severely impact your quality of life and may lead to other health complications. 

Causes of IBD 

Neither type of IBD is fully understood. However, it is believed that a combination of genetics and environmental factors may contribute to them. Research has shown the following to be true: 

  • Some populations have a higher number of reported cases, including African Americans and those of Eastern European descent. 
  • Those with IBD tend to have at least one first-degree relative who also has IBD. 

However, it is also more common in developed countries as opposed to undeveloped ones, in urban areas as opposed to rural ones, and in northern areas as opposed to southern ones. 

With this information in mind, it is possible that genetics play a role, as certain antibodies and physical characteristics are passed from parents to children. However, environmental factors seem to play a much larger role. 

Learn more about inflammatory bowel disease and achieving relief from your symptoms by visiting Suburban Surgical Associates/Suburban Metabolic Institute of La Grange, Elmhurst, and Berwyn, IL. Call (708) 484-0621 to schedule an appointment today.

Please call our office number (708)484-0621 for all questions and appointment requests.